
Dream jobs that resonate with your life


We develop innovative climate technology solutions that help the growth of businesses and individuals through the net-zero transition and promote positive actions to society.

Sports × Climate

Beyond supporting the sporting industry, our team leverages the power inherent in sports. We provide cutting-edge technology solutions for athletes, teams, fans, and the broader community, enhancing the sporting experience while catalyzing positive societal change.

Food × Climate

We pioneer transformative solutions for the agricultural and food sector, providing sustainable plant-based meats and innovating livestock feed to reduce GHG emissions, all while meeting consumer demand and fostering a greener environment.

Civic × Climate

We create tech tools that fuel people-powered movements, empowering citizens, governments, and organizations to amplify their community involvement.

Space × Climate

Our team aims to solve problems using a space-inspired business model. By building factories and energy systems in space, we aim to improve life on Earth and create new value while challenging conventional wisdom.

Finance × Climate

We want to create a new economy that focuses on a currency representing priceless value, not only based on digital currency or impact investing, but going beyond traditional thinking of capitalism.

Mobility × Climate

By promoting cleaner vehicles and advancing the sharing economy, we aim to drastically reduce the environmental impact and redefine the way we move.

Nature × Climate

We strive to protect and enhance the natural world, leveraging sustainable practices to create a healthier, more balanced environment for future generations.

Art × Climate

We cultivate creative collaborations with the art community and social innovators, harnessing art's transformative power to address societal challenges.

Mononaware Inc. Content created by GPT-4 and DALL·E-2